Office: (203) 935-8160 | 24 Hour Patient Line: (475) 655-3427

MILFORD — A program on “Skin Cancer: Prevention, Detection and Treatment’’ will be offered on Thursday, June 30, 6 p.m. at Milford Hospital, 300 Seaside Avenue.

Part of the hospital’s “Dinner With the Doctor’’ series, the free program will be led by Dr. Mark Melendez, a plastic surgeon with several area offices. There will be a question and answer period following the presentation.

A light, healthy meal will be served. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the hospital’s community education department at 203-876-4004.


Originally posted on the CT Post site

COVID-19 Update: Non-urgent elective surgery and treatment will be postponed and scheduled out until further notice. Read more about our COVID-19 response.